Legal Disclosures

The information contained herein is to the best of our knowledge and based on publicly available data or information provided to WTI at the time of publication. The companies listed herein excludes companies that have requested not to be included on this website.

The companies displayed on the landing page header as well as the companies displayed as “Notable Investments” have been collectively chosen based on the top twenty-five (25) companies by valuation or exit value. For publicly traded companies (“Public”), valuation is based on the later of (a) the closing share price on the first day of trading/IPO or (b) June 30, 2024. For companies that have been acquired or merged (“Acquired”), valuation is based on the total consideration paid by acquirer at exit upon close.  For currently private companies (“Private”), valuation is based on the post-money valuation as of June 30, 2024. This list also includes those companies in which WTI has only invested in equity securities. Additionally, “WTI Investment Date” is the date of the initial investment made by WTI into the company, and there may be subsequent debt and/or equity investments into such companies.

The specific companies identified are not representative of all WTI portfolio borrowers to whom WTI funds have extended debt or equity financing. It should not be assumed that the investment in the companies identified was or will be profitable. Actual holdings will vary for each Fund and there is no guarantee that a particular Fund’s account will extend debt financing to any of the companies listed. This website discloses portfolio borrowers that WTI is not contractually obligated to keep confidential.

Note: Portfolio company profiles retrieved from Pitchbook database when no official company description was publicly available.

Comprehensive List of WTI Portfolio Companies